Source code for smartsim.entity.model

# BSD 2-Clause License
# Copyright (c) 2021-2024, Hewlett Packard Enterprise
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
#    list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
#    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
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from __future__ import annotations

import re
import sys
import typing as t
import warnings
from os import path as osp

from .._core.utils.helpers import cat_arg_and_value, init_default
from ..error import EntityExistsError, SSUnsupportedError
from ..log import get_logger
from ..settings.base import BatchSettings, RunSettings
from .dbobject import DBModel, DBScript
from .entity import SmartSimEntity
from .files import EntityFiles

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class Model(SmartSimEntity): def __init__( self, name: str, params: t.Dict[str, str], path: str, run_settings: RunSettings, params_as_args: t.Optional[t.List[str]] = None, batch_settings: t.Optional[BatchSettings] = None, ): """Initialize a ``Model`` :param name: name of the model :type name: str :param params: model parameters for writing into configuration files or to be passed as command line arguments to executable. :type params: dict :param path: path to output, error, and configuration files :type path: str :param run_settings: launcher settings specified in the experiment :type run_settings: RunSettings :param params_as_args: list of parameters which have to be interpreted as command line arguments to be added to run_settings :type params_as_args: list[str] :param batch_settings: Launcher settings for running the individual model as a batch job, defaults to None :type batch_settings: BatchSettings | None """ super().__init__(name, path, run_settings) self.params = params self.params_as_args = params_as_args self.incoming_entities: t.List[SmartSimEntity] = [] self._key_prefixing_enabled = False self.batch_settings = batch_settings self._db_models: t.List[DBModel] = [] self._db_scripts: t.List[DBScript] = [] self.files: t.Optional[EntityFiles] = None @property def db_models(self) -> t.Iterable[DBModel]: """Return an immutable collection of attached models""" return (model for model in self._db_models) @property def db_scripts(self) -> t.Iterable[DBScript]: """Return an immutable collection attached of scripts""" return (script for script in self._db_scripts) @property def colocated(self) -> bool: """Return True if this Model will run with a colocated Orchestrator""" return bool(self.run_settings.colocated_db_settings)
[docs] def register_incoming_entity(self, incoming_entity: SmartSimEntity) -> None: """Register future communication between entities. Registers the named data sources that this entity has access to by storing the key_prefix associated with that entity :param incoming_entity: The entity that data will be received from :type incoming_entity: SmartSimEntity :raises SmartSimError: if incoming entity has already been registered """ if in [ for in_entity in self.incoming_entities ]: raise EntityExistsError( f"'{}' has already " + "been registered as an incoming entity" ) self.incoming_entities.append(incoming_entity)
[docs] def enable_key_prefixing(self) -> None: """If called, the entity will prefix its keys with its own model name""" self._key_prefixing_enabled = True
[docs] def disable_key_prefixing(self) -> None: """If called, the entity will not prefix its keys with its own model name""" self._key_prefixing_enabled = False
[docs] def query_key_prefixing(self) -> bool: """Inquire as to whether this entity will prefix its keys with its name""" return self._key_prefixing_enabled
[docs] def attach_generator_files( self, to_copy: t.Optional[t.List[str]] = None, to_symlink: t.Optional[t.List[str]] = None, to_configure: t.Optional[t.List[str]] = None, ) -> None: """Attach files to an entity for generation Attach files needed for the entity that, upon generation, will be located in the path of the entity. Invoking this method after files have already been attached will overwrite the previous list of entity files. During generation, files "to_copy" are copied into the path of the entity, and files "to_symlink" are symlinked into the path of the entity. Files "to_configure" are text based model input files where parameters for the model are set. Note that only models support the "to_configure" field. These files must have fields tagged that correspond to the values the user would like to change. The tag is settable but defaults to a semicolon e.g. THERMO = ;10; :param to_copy: files to copy, defaults to [] :type to_copy: list, optional :param to_symlink: files to symlink, defaults to [] :type to_symlink: list, optional :param to_configure: input files with tagged parameters, defaults to [] :type to_configure: list, optional """ to_copy = init_default([], to_copy, (list, str)) to_symlink = init_default([], to_symlink, (list, str)) to_configure = init_default([], to_configure, (list, str)) # Check that no file collides with the parameter file written # by Generator. We check the basename, even though it is more # restrictive than what we need (but it avoids relative path issues) for strategy in [to_copy, to_symlink, to_configure]: if strategy is not None and any( osp.basename(filename) == "smartsim_params.txt" for filename in strategy ): raise ValueError( "`smartsim_params.txt` is a file automatically " + "generated by SmartSim and cannot be ovewritten." ) self.files = EntityFiles(to_configure, to_copy, to_symlink)
@property def attached_files_table(self) -> str: """Return a list of attached files as a plain text table :returns: String version of table :rtype: str """ if not self.files: return "No file attached to this model." return str(self.files)
[docs] def print_attached_files(self) -> None: """Print a table of the attached files on std out""" print(self.attached_files_table)
[docs] def colocate_db(self, *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any) -> None: """An alias for ``Model.colocate_db_tcp``""" warnings.warn( ( "`colocate_db` has been deprecated and will be removed in a \n" "future release. Please use `colocate_db_tcp` or `colocate_db_uds`." ), FutureWarning, ) self.colocate_db_tcp(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def colocate_db_uds( self, unix_socket: str = "/tmp/redis.socket", socket_permissions: int = 755, db_cpus: int = 1, custom_pinning: t.Optional[t.Iterable[t.Union[int, t.Iterable[int]]]] = None, debug: bool = False, db_identifier: str = "", **kwargs: t.Any, ) -> None: """Colocate an Orchestrator instance with this Model over UDS. This method will initialize settings which add an unsharded database to this Model instance. Only this Model will be able to communicate with this colocated database by using Unix Domain sockets. Extra parameters for the db can be passed through kwargs. This includes many performance, caching and inference settings. .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python example_kwargs = { "maxclients": 100000, "threads_per_queue": 1, "inter_op_threads": 1, "intra_op_threads": 1, "server_threads": 2 # keydb only } Generally these don't need to be changed. :param unix_socket: path to where the socket file will be created :type unix_socket: str, optional :param socket_permissions: permissions for the socketfile :type socket_permissions: int, optional :param db_cpus: number of cpus to use for orchestrator, defaults to 1 :type db_cpus: int, optional :param custom_pinning: CPUs to pin the orchestrator to. Passing an empty iterable disables pinning :type custom_pinning: iterable of ints or iterable of ints, optional :param debug: launch Model with extra debug information about the colocated db :type debug: bool, optional :param kwargs: additional keyword arguments to pass to the orchestrator database :type kwargs: dict, optional """ if not re.match(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9.:\,_\-/]*$", unix_socket): raise ValueError( f"Invalid name for unix socket: {unix_socket}. Must only " "contain alphanumeric characters or . : _ - /" ) uds_options: t.Dict[str, t.Union[int, str]] = { "unix_socket": unix_socket, "socket_permissions": socket_permissions, # This is hardcoded to 0 as recommended by redis for UDS "port": 0, } common_options = { "cpus": db_cpus, "custom_pinning": custom_pinning, "debug": debug, "db_identifier": db_identifier, } self._set_colocated_db_settings(uds_options, common_options, **kwargs)
[docs] def colocate_db_tcp( self, port: int = 6379, ifname: t.Union[str, list[str]] = "lo", db_cpus: int = 1, custom_pinning: t.Optional[t.Iterable[t.Union[int, t.Iterable[int]]]] = None, debug: bool = False, db_identifier: str = "", **kwargs: t.Any, ) -> None: """Colocate an Orchestrator instance with this Model over TCP/IP. This method will initialize settings which add an unsharded database to this Model instance. Only this Model will be able to communicate with this colocated database by using the loopback TCP interface. Extra parameters for the db can be passed through kwargs. This includes many performance, caching and inference settings. .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python ex. kwargs = { maxclients: 100000, threads_per_queue: 1, inter_op_threads: 1, intra_op_threads: 1, server_threads: 2 # keydb only } Generally these don't need to be changed. :param port: port to use for orchestrator database, defaults to 6379 :type port: int, optional :param ifname: interface to use for orchestrator, defaults to "lo" :type ifname: str | list[str], optional :param db_cpus: number of cpus to use for orchestrator, defaults to 1 :type db_cpus: int, optional :param custom_pinning: CPUs to pin the orchestrator to. Passing an empty iterable disables pinning :type custom_pinning: iterable of ints or iterable of ints, optional :param debug: launch Model with extra debug information about the colocated db :type debug: bool, optional :param kwargs: additional keyword arguments to pass to the orchestrator database :type kwargs: dict, optional """ tcp_options = {"port": port, "ifname": ifname} common_options = { "cpus": db_cpus, "custom_pinning": custom_pinning, "debug": debug, "db_identifier": db_identifier, } self._set_colocated_db_settings(tcp_options, common_options, **kwargs)
def _set_colocated_db_settings( self, connection_options: t.Mapping[str, t.Union[int, t.List[str], str]], common_options: t.Dict[ str, t.Union[ t.Union[t.Iterable[t.Union[int, t.Iterable[int]]], None], bool, int, str, None, ], ], **kwargs: t.Union[int, None], ) -> None: """ Ingest the connection-specific options (UDS/TCP) and set the final settings for the colocated database """ if hasattr(self.run_settings, "mpmd") and len(self.run_settings.mpmd) > 0: raise SSUnsupportedError( "Models colocated with databases cannot be run as a mpmd workload" ) if hasattr(self.run_settings, "_prep_colocated_db"): # pylint: disable-next=protected-access self.run_settings._prep_colocated_db(common_options["cpus"]) if "limit_app_cpus" in kwargs: raise SSUnsupportedError( "Pinning app CPUs via limit_app_cpus is not supported. Modify " "RunSettings using the correct binding option for your launcher." ) # TODO list which db settings can be extras custom_pinning_ = t.cast( t.Optional[t.Iterable[t.Union[int, t.Iterable[int]]]], common_options.get("custom_pinning"), ) cpus_ = t.cast(int, common_options.get("cpus")) common_options["custom_pinning"] = self._create_pinning_string( custom_pinning_, cpus_ ) colo_db_config: t.Dict[ str, t.Union[ bool, int, str, None, t.List[str], t.Iterable[t.Union[int, t.Iterable[int]]], t.List[DBModel], t.List[DBScript], t.Dict[str, t.Union[int, None]], t.Dict[str, str], ], ] = {} colo_db_config.update(connection_options) colo_db_config.update(common_options) redis_ai_temp = { "threads_per_queue": kwargs.get("threads_per_queue", None), "inter_op_parallelism": kwargs.get("inter_op_parallelism", None), "intra_op_parallelism": kwargs.get("intra_op_parallelism", None), } # redisai arguments for inference settings colo_db_config["rai_args"] = redis_ai_temp colo_db_config["extra_db_args"] = { k: str(v) for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in redis_ai_temp } self._check_db_objects_colo() colo_db_config["db_models"] = self._db_models colo_db_config["db_scripts"] = self._db_scripts self.run_settings.colocated_db_settings = colo_db_config @staticmethod def _create_pinning_string( pin_ids: t.Optional[t.Iterable[t.Union[int, t.Iterable[int]]]], cpus: int ) -> t.Optional[str]: """Create a comma-separated string CPU ids. By default, None returns 0,1,...,cpus-1; an empty iterable will disable pinning altogether, and an iterable constructs a comma separate string (e.g. 0,2,5) """ def _stringify_id(_id: int) -> str: """Return the cPU id as a string if an int, otherwise raise a ValueError""" if isinstance(_id, int): if _id < 0: raise ValueError("CPU id must be a nonnegative number") return str(_id) raise TypeError(f"Argument is of type '{type(_id)}' not 'int'") _invalid_input_message = ( "Expected a cpu pinning specification of type iterable of ints or " f"iterables of ints. Instead got type `{type(pin_ids)}`" ) # Deal with MacOSX limitations first. The "None" (default) disables pinning # and is equivalent to []. The only invalid option is an iterable if sys.platform == "darwin": if pin_ids is None or not pin_ids: return None if isinstance(pin_ids, warnings.warn( "CPU pinning is not supported on MacOSX. Ignoring pinning " "specification.", RuntimeWarning, ) return None raise TypeError(_invalid_input_message) # Flatten the iterable into a list and check to make sure that the resulting # elements are all ints if pin_ids is None: return ",".join(_stringify_id(i) for i in range(cpus)) if not pin_ids: return None if isinstance(pin_ids, pin_list = [] for pin_id in pin_ids: if isinstance(pin_id, pin_list.extend([_stringify_id(j) for j in pin_id]) else: pin_list.append(_stringify_id(pin_id)) return ",".join(sorted(set(pin_list))) raise TypeError(_invalid_input_message)
[docs] def params_to_args(self) -> None: """Convert parameters to command line arguments and update run settings.""" if self.params_as_args is not None: for param in self.params_as_args: if not param in self.params: raise ValueError( f"Tried to convert {param} to command line argument for Model " f"{}, but its value was not found in model params" ) if self.run_settings is None: raise ValueError( "Tried to configure command line parameter for Model " f"{}, but no RunSettings are set." ) self.run_settings.add_exe_args( cat_arg_and_value(param, self.params[param]) )
[docs] def add_ml_model( self, name: str, backend: str, model: t.Optional[bytes] = None, model_path: t.Optional[str] = None, device: t.Literal["CPU", "GPU"] = "CPU", devices_per_node: int = 1, first_device: int = 0, batch_size: int = 0, min_batch_size: int = 0, min_batch_timeout: int = 0, tag: str = "", inputs: t.Optional[t.List[str]] = None, outputs: t.Optional[t.List[str]] = None, ) -> None: """A TF, TF-lite, PT, or ONNX model to load into the DB at runtime Each ML Model added will be loaded into an orchestrator (converged or not) prior to the execution of this Model instance One of either model (in memory representation) or model_path (file) must be provided :param name: key to store model under :type name: str :param backend: name of the backend (TORCH, TF, TFLITE, ONNX) :type backend: str :param model: A model in memory (only supported for non-colocated orchestrators) :type model: byte string, optional :param model_path: serialized model :type model_path: file path to model :param device: name of device for execution, defaults to "CPU" :type device: str, optional :param devices_per_node: The number of GPU devices available on the host. This parameter only applies to GPU devices and will be ignored if device is specified as CPU. :type devices_per_node: int :param first_device: The first GPU device to use on the host. This parameter only applies to GPU devices and will be ignored if device is specified as CPU. :type first_device: int :param batch_size: batch size for execution, defaults to 0 :type batch_size: int, optional :param min_batch_size: minimum batch size for model execution, defaults to 0 :type min_batch_size: int, optional :param min_batch_timeout: time to wait for minimum batch size, defaults to 0 :type min_batch_timeout: int, optional :param tag: additional tag for model information, defaults to "" :type tag: str, optional :param inputs: model inputs (TF only), defaults to None :type inputs: list[str], optional :param outputs: model outupts (TF only), defaults to None :type outputs: list[str], optional """ db_model = DBModel( name=name, backend=backend, model=model, model_file=model_path, device=device, devices_per_node=devices_per_node, first_device=first_device, batch_size=batch_size, min_batch_size=min_batch_size, min_batch_timeout=min_batch_timeout, tag=tag, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, ) self.add_ml_model_object(db_model)
[docs] def add_script( self, name: str, script: t.Optional[str] = None, script_path: t.Optional[str] = None, device: t.Literal["CPU", "GPU"] = "CPU", devices_per_node: int = 1, first_device: int = 0, ) -> None: """TorchScript to launch with this Model instance Each script added to the model will be loaded into an orchestrator (converged or not) prior to the execution of this Model instance Device selection is either "GPU" or "CPU". If many devices are present, a number can be passed for specification e.g. "GPU:1". Setting ``devices_per_node=N``, with N greater than one will result in the script being stored in the first N devices of type ``device``; alternatively, setting ``first_device=M`` will result in the script being stored on nodes M through M + N - 1. One of either script (in memory string representation) or script_path (file) must be provided :param name: key to store script under :type name: str :param script: TorchScript code (only supported for non-colocated orchestrators) :type script: str, optional :param script_path: path to TorchScript code :type script_path: str, optional :param device: device for script execution, defaults to "CPU" :type device: str, optional :param devices_per_node: The number of GPU devices available on the host. This parameter only applies to GPU devices and will be ignored if device is specified as CPU. :type devices_per_node: int :param first_device: The first GPU device to use on the host. This parameter only applies to GPU devices and will be ignored if device is specified as CPU. :type first_device: int """ db_script = DBScript( name=name, script=script, script_path=script_path, device=device, devices_per_node=devices_per_node, first_device=first_device, ) self.add_script_object(db_script)
[docs] def add_function( self, name: str, function: t.Optional[str] = None, device: t.Literal["CPU", "GPU"] = "CPU", devices_per_node: int = 1, first_device: int = 0, ) -> None: """TorchScript function to launch with this Model instance Each script function to the model will be loaded into a non-converged orchestrator prior to the execution of this Model instance. For converged orchestrators, the :meth:`add_script` method should be used. Device selection is either "GPU" or "CPU". If many devices are present, a number can be passed for specification e.g. "GPU:1". Setting ``devices_per_node=N``, with N greater than one will result in the model being stored in the first N devices of type ``device``. :param name: key to store function under :type name: str :param function: TorchScript function code :type function: str, optional :param device: device for script execution, defaults to "CPU" :type device: str, optional :param devices_per_node: The number of GPU devices available on the host. This parameter only applies to GPU devices and will be ignored if device is specified as CPU. :type devices_per_node: int :param first_device: The first GPU device to use on the host. This parameter only applies to GPU devices and will be ignored if device is specified as CPU. :type first_device: int """ db_script = DBScript( name=name, script=function, device=device, devices_per_node=devices_per_node, first_device=first_device, ) self.add_script_object(db_script)
def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash( def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, Model): return False if == return True return False def __str__(self) -> str: # pragma: no cover entity_str = "Name: " + + "\n" entity_str += "Type: " + self.type + "\n" entity_str += str(self.run_settings) + "\n" if self._db_models: entity_str += "DB Models: \n" + str(len(self._db_models)) + "\n" if self._db_scripts: entity_str += "DB Scripts: \n" + str(len(self._db_scripts)) + "\n" return entity_str def add_ml_model_object(self, db_model: DBModel) -> None: if not db_model.is_file and self.colocated: err_msg = "ML model can not be set from memory for colocated databases.\n" err_msg += ( f"Please store the ML model named {} in binary format " ) err_msg += "and add it to the SmartSim Model as file." raise SSUnsupportedError(err_msg) self._db_models.append(db_model) def add_script_object(self, db_script: DBScript) -> None: if db_script.func and self.colocated: if not isinstance(db_script.func, str): err_msg = ( "Functions can not be set from memory for colocated databases.\n" f"Please convert the function named {} " "to a string or store it as a text file and add it to the " "SmartSim Model with add_script." ) raise SSUnsupportedError(err_msg) self._db_scripts.append(db_script) def _check_db_objects_colo(self) -> None: for db_model in self._db_models: if not db_model.is_file: err_msg = ( "ML model can not be set from memory for colocated databases.\n" f"Please store the ML model named {} in binary " "format and add it to the SmartSim Model as file." ) raise SSUnsupportedError(err_msg) for db_script in self._db_scripts: if db_script.func: if not isinstance(db_script.func, str): err_msg = ( "Functions can not be set from memory for colocated " "databases.\nPlease convert the function named " f"{} to a string or store it as a text" "file and add it to the SmartSim Model with add_script." ) raise SSUnsupportedError(err_msg)