

SmartSim supports logging experiment activity through a logging API accessible via the SmartSim log module. The SmartSim logger, backed by Python logging, enables real-time logging of experiment activity to stdout and/or to file, with multiple verbosity levels for categorizing log messages.

Users may instruct SmartSim to log certain verbosity level log messages and omit others through the SMARTSIM_LOG_LEVEL environment variable. The SMARTSIM_LOG_LEVEL environment variable may be overridden when logging to file by specifying a log level to the log_to_file function. Examples walking through logging to stdout and to file are provided below.

SmartSim offers four log functions to use within the Python driver script. The below functions accept string messages:

  • logger.error

  • logger.warning

  • logger.info

  • logger.debug

The SMARTSIM_LOG_LEVEL environment variable accepts four log levels: quiet, info, debug and developer. Setting the log level in the environment (or via the override function) controls the log messages that are output at runtime. The log levels are listed below from least verbose to most verbose:

  • level: quiet
    • The quiet log level instructs SmartSim to print error and warning messages.

  • level: info
    • The info log level instructs SmartSim to print info, error and warning messages.

  • level: debug
    • The debug log level instructs SmartSim to print debug, info, error and warning messages.

  • level: developer
    • The developer log level instructs SmartSim to print debug, info, error and warning messages.


Levels developer and debug print the same log messages. The developer log level is intended for use during code development and signifies highly detailed and verbose logging.


SMARTSIM_LOG_LEVEL defaults to log level info. For SmartSim log API examples, continue to the Examples section.


Log to stdout#

The get_logger function in SmartSim enables users to initialize a logger instance. Once initialized, a user may use the instance to log a message using one of the four logging functions.

To use the SmartSim logger within a Python script, import the required get_logger function from the log module:

from smartsim.log import get_logger

Next, initialize an instance of the logger and provide a logger name:

logger = get_logger("SmartSim")

To demonstrate full functionality of the SmartSim logger, we include all log functions in the Python driver script with log messages:

logger.info("This is a message")
logger.debug("This is a debug message")
logger.error("This is an error message")
logger.warning("This is a warning message")

Execute the script without setting the SMARTSIM_LOG_LEVEL. Remember that SMARTSIM_LOG_LEVEL defaults to info. When we execute the script, the following messages will print to stdout:

11:15:00 system.host.com SmartSim[130033] INFO This is a message
11:15:00 system.host.com SmartSim[130033] ERROR This is an error message
11:15:00 system.host.com SmartSim[130033] WARNING This is a warning message

Notice that the debug function message was filtered. This is because by using a lower verbosity level (info), we instruct SmartSim to omit the higher verbosity level messages (debug and developer).

Next, set SMARTSIM_LOG_LEVEL to debug:


When we execute the script again, the following messages will print to stdout:

11:15:00 system.host.com SmartSim[65385] INFO This is a message
11:15:00 system.host.com SmartSim[65385] DEBUG This is a debug message
11:15:00 system.host.com SmartSim[65385] ERROR This is an error message
11:15:00 system.host.com SmartSim[65385] WARNING This is a warning message

Notice that all log messages print to stdout. By using a higher verbosity level (debug), we instruct SmartSim to print all log functions at and above the level.

Next, set SMARTSIM_LOG_LEVEL to quiet in terminal:


When we run the program once again, the following output is printed to stdout:

11:15:00 system.host.com SmartSim[65385] ERROR This is an error message
11:15:00 system.host.com SmartSim[65385] WARNING This is a warning message

Notice that the info and debug log functions were filtered. This is because by using the least verbose level (quiet), we instruct SmartSim to omit messages at higher verbosity levels (info, debug and developer).

To finish the example, set SMARTSIM_LOG_LEVEL to info in terminal:


When we execute the script, the following messages will print to stdout:

11:15:00 system.host.com SmartSim[130033] INFO This is a message
11:15:00 system.host.com SmartSim[130033] ERROR This is an error message
11:15:00 system.host.com SmartSim[130033] WARNING This is a warning message

Notice that the same messages were logged to stdout as when we ran the script with the default value info. SmartSim omits messages at higher verbosity levels (debug and developer).

Logging to File#

The log_to_file function in SmartSim allows users to log messages to a specified file by providing a file name or relative file path. If the file name passed in does not exist, SmartSim will create the file. If the program is re-executed with the same file name, the file contents will be overwritten.

To demonstrate, begin by importing the functions get_logger and log_to_file from the log module:

from smartsim.log import get_logger, log_to_file

Initialize a logger for use within the Python driver script:

logger = get_logger("SmartSim")

Invoke the log_to_file function to instruct SmartSim to create a file named logger.out to write log messages to:


For the example, we add all log functions to the script:

logger.info("This is a message")
logger.debug("This is a debug message")
logger.error("This is an error message")
logger.warning("This is a warning message")

Remember that the default value for the SMARTSIM_LOG_LEVEL variable is info. Therefore, we will not set the environment variable and instead rely on the default.

When we execute the Python script, a file named logger.out is created in our working directory with the listed contents:

11:15:00 system.host.com SmartSim[10950] INFO This is a message
11:15:00 system.host.com SmartSim[10950] ERROR This is an error message
11:15:00 system.host.com SmartSim[10950] WARNING This is a warning message

Notice that the debug function message was filtered. This is because by using a lower verbosity level (info), we instruct SmartSim to omit higher verbosity messages (debug and developer).

In the same Python script, add a log level to the log_to_file as a input argument:

log_to_file("logger.out", "quiet")

When we execute the Python script once again, SmartSim will override the SMARTSIM_LOG_LEVEL variable to output messages of log level quiet. SmartSim will overwrite the contents of logger.out with:

11:15:00 system.host.com SmartSim[10950] ERROR This is an error message
11:15:00 system.host.com SmartSim[10950] WARNING This is a warning message