ML Features#

In this section, we illustrate features which users are expected to use in HPC workloads, especially when simulation and AI are required to interact. The topics are explained through code snippets, with code that goes beyond SmartSim and SmartRedis API (e.g. code showing how to jit-script a PyTorch model): the intention is that of showing one simple way of leveraging a feature, but more optimized ways of using third-party libraries may exist.

Examples are written in Python, but the same result can be achieved with any SmartRedis client (C, C++, Fortran and Python). Please refer to SmartRedis API for language-specific details.

ML Model Deployment and Execution in the Database#

The combination of SmartSim and SmartRedis enables users to store more than simple tensors on the database (DB). In the upcoming subsections, we demonstrate how to use a SmartRedis client to upload executable code, in the form of ML model, scripts, and functions, to the DB. Once store, the code can be executed using the SmartRedis client methods and used to process tensors directly in the DB. The tensors generated from running the stored code will also be stored in the database and can be retrieved with standard SmartRedis Client.get_tensor() calls.

SmartRedis offers two ways to upload serialized code to the DB: from memory and from file. We will go through examples demonstrating how to upload from each. We provide the following examples:

  • TensorFlow and PyTorch: Serialize a TensorFlow/Keras or PyTorch model, optionally save it to file, upload it to the DB, then execute it on tensors stored on the DB.

  • TorchScript Functions: Serialize TorchScript functions, optionally save them to file, upload them to the DB, then execute them on tensors stored on the DB.

  • ONNX Runtime: Convert a Scikit-Learn model to ONNX format, upload it to the DB, then execute it on tensors stored on the DB.


In all examples, we will assume that a SmartSim Orchestator is up and running, and that the code we will show is run as part of a SmartSim-launched application Model.

TensorFlow and PyTorch#

In this section, we will see how a TensorFlow/Keras or a PyTorch model can be serialized using SmartSim’s helper functions. Once the model is serialized, we will use the SmartRedis client to upload it to the DB, and execute it on data stored on the DB. We will also see how the model can be optionally saved to file. The workflow for TensorFlow and PyTorch is almost identical, but we provide the code for each toolkit in a dedicated tab, for completeness.

We begin by defining the ML model that we will use in both examples of this section.

import numpy as np
from smartredis import Client
from tensorflow import keras
from import freeze_model

model = keras.Sequential(
        keras.layers.InputLayer(input_shape=(28, 28), name="input"),
        keras.layers.Flatten(input_shape=(28, 28), name="flatten"),
        keras.layers.Dense(128, activation="relu", name="dense"),
        keras.layers.Dense(10, activation="softmax", name="output"),

# Compile model with optimizer
    optimizer="adam", loss="sparse_categorical_crossentropy", metrics=["accuracy"]

Serializing the model and uploading it to the DB from memory#

Once the model is instantiated, it needs to be serialized to be uploaded to the DB using the SmartRedis client.

As part of its TensorFlow helper functions, SmartSim provides serialize_model() to serialize a TensorFlow or Keras model.

serialized_model, inputs, outputs = serialize_model(model)

Note that serialize_model() conveniently returns the model as bytestring and the names of the input and output layers, which are now needed to upload the TensorFlow model to the DB using Client.set_model(). We also use Client.put_tensor() to upload a batch of 20 synthetic MNIST samples to the DB.

# Instantiate and connect SmartRedis client to communicate with DB
client = Client(cluster=False)
model_key = "mnist_cnn"
# Set device to CPU if GPU not available to DB
    model_key, serialized_model, "TF", device="GPU", inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs

For details about Client.set_model(), please refer to SmartRedis API.

Saving the model to a file and uploading it to the DB#

Once the model is compiled, it can be serialized and stored on the filesystem. This is useful if the model has to be used at a later time. Once the model is saved to file, it can be uploaded to the DB using the SmartRedis client.

As part of its TensorFlow helper functions, SmartSim provides freeze_model() to serialize a TensorFlow or Keras model and save it to file. In this example, the file will be named mnist.pb.

filename = "mnist.pb"
model_path, inputs, outputs = freeze_model(model, '.', filename)

Note that freeze_model() conveniently returns the path to the serialized model file, and the names of the input and output layers, which are noew needed to upload the TensorFlow model to the DB using Client.set_model_from_file(). We also use Client.put_tensor() to upload a synthetic MNIST sample to the DB.

client = Client(cluster=False)
model_key = "mnist_cnn"
    model_key, model_path, "TF", device="GPU", inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs

For details about Client.set_model_from_file(), please refer to SmartRedis API.

Executing the model on tensors stored in the DB#

Now that the model is available for execution on the DB, we use the SmartRedis client to upload a tensor representing a batch of 20 synthetic MNIST images.

# 20 samples of "image" data
mnist_images = np.random.rand(20, 28, 28, 1).astype(np.float32)
# client was instantiated previously
client.put_tensor("mnist_images", mnist_image)

Now we can use Client.run_model() to execute the model on the data we have just stored and Client.get_tensor() to download the output of the model execution. Notice that, for this part, the code is identical for models uploaded from file and from memory, and with TensorFlow or PyTorch backends.

client.run_model(model_key, inputs=["mnist_images"], outputs=["mnist_output"])
output = client.get_tensor("mnist_output")

For details about Client.run_model(), please refer to SmartRedis API.

TorchScript Functions#

Instead of Neural Networks, or, in general, Machine Learning models, it is possible to upload to the DB (collections of) functions which can be used e.g. to perform pre- or post-processing operations on tensors stored on the DB.

Since the functions are going to be stored as TorchScript modules, they

  • need to be jit-traceable

  • can use torch as a built-in module

  • can not import modules

In this section we will see how to

  • save a collection of functions to a script file, upload them to the DB, and execute them on tensors stored on the DB.

  • define and upload a function on-the-fly from a Python script and execute it on tensors stored on the DB.

Uploading a script containing a collection of functions to the DB#

The easiest way of defining and storing functions on the DB is to create a dedicated file. In that file, we can define functions which will be callable through the SmartRedis client, but also from other functions in the same file. A typical script file would look like this:

def rescale(tensor, mu: float, sigma: float):
    mean = tensor.mean()
    std = tensor.std()

    normalized = (tensor-mean)/std
    return tensor*sigma + mu

def shift_y_to_x(x, y):
    mu_x = x.mean()
    sigma_x = x.std()
    y_rescaled = rescale(y, mu_x, sigma_x)

    return y_rescaled

In the script, we defined shift_y_to_x, a function which returns a modified copy of a tensor y, which matches the statistical distribution of the tensor x. Notice that we are not importing torch in the script, as it will be recognized as a built-in by the TorchScript compiler. Because of the discrepancy between TorchScript’s and Python’s syntaxes, TorchScript scripts cannot be run as standalone Python scripts.

Here is the code which allows us to run the function shift_y_to_x on tensors stored in the DB. We will assume that the above script is stored as "./shift.script".

import numpy as np
from smartredis import Client

# Generate tensors according to two different random distributions
x = np.random.rand(100, 100).astype(np.float32)
y = np.random.rand(100, 100).astype(np.float32) * 2 + 10

# Instantiate and connect SmartRedis client
client = Client(cluster=False)

# Upload tensors to DB
client.put_tensor("X_rand", x)
client.put_tensor("Y_rand", y)

# Upload script containing functions to DB
client.set_script_from_file("shifter", "./shift.script", device="CPU")
# Run the function ``shift_y_to_x`` on ``X_rand`` and ``Y_rand``
client.run_script("shifter", "shift_y_to_x", inputs=["X_rand", "Y_rand"], outputs=["Y_scaled"])
# Download output
y_scaled = client.get_tensor("Y_scaled")

In the above code, we used Client.put_tensor() to upload tensors to the DB, and Client.set_script_from_file() to upload the script containing the collection of functions. We then used Client.run_script() to run the function shift_y_to_x on the stored tensors, and downloaded the result with Client.get_tensor().

For details about Client.set_script_from_file() and Client.run_script(), please refer to SmartRedis API.

Uploading a function to the DB on-the-fly#

Simpler functions (or functions that do not require calling other user-defined or imported functions), can be defined inline and uploaded to the DB using the SmartRedis client. For example:

import numpy as np
from smartredis import Client

def normalize(X):
    """Simple function to normalize a tensor"""
    mean = X.mean()
    std = X.std()

    return (X-mean)/std

# Generate random tensor
x = np.random.rand(100, 100).astype(np.float32) * 2 + 10

# Instantiate and connect SmartRedis client
client = Client(cluster=False)

# Upload tensor to DB
client.put_tensor("X_rand", x)

# Upload function to DB, ``normalizer`` is the name of the collection
# of functions containing the function ``normalize`` only. It mimics
# the way `set_script` works.
client.set_function("normalizer", normalize)
# Run the function ``normalize`` on ``X_rand``
client.run_script("normalizer", "normalize", inputs=["X_rand"], outputs=["X_norm"])
# Download output
x_norm = client.get_tensor("X_norm")

Notice that the key "normalizer" represents the script containing the function (similar to "shifter" in the previous example), while the function name is "normalize".

For details about Client.set_function() and Client.run_script(), please refer to SmartRedis API.

ONNX Runtime#

In the following example, we will see how, thanks to the ONNX runtime, Machine Learning and Data Analysis functions defined in Scikit-Learn can be serialized and then put on the DB using the SmartRedis client.

We start by defining a Scikit-Learn LinearRegression model and serialize it, keeping it into memory.

import numpy as np
from skl2onnx import to_onnx
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from smartredis import Client

def build_lin_reg():
    """Generates sklearn linear regression model and serialize it"""
    x = np.array([[1.0], [2.0], [6.0], [4.0], [3.0], [5.0]]).astype(np.float32)
    y = np.array([[2.0], [3.0], [7.0], [5.0], [4.0], [6.0]]).astype(np.float32)

    linreg = LinearRegression(), y)
    linreg = to_onnx(linreg, x.astype(np.float32), target_opset=13)
    return linreg.SerializeToString()

linreg = build_lin_reg()

Once the model is serialized, we can use Client.set_model() to upload it to the DB.

# connect a client to the database
client = Client(cluster=False)
client.set_model("linreg", linreg, "ONNX", device="GPU")

Finally, we can upload a tensor to the DB using Client.put_tensor(), run the stored model on it using Client.run_model(), and download the output calling Client.get_tensor().

# linreg test
X = np.array([[1.0], [2.0], [3.0], [4.0], [5.0]]).astype(np.float32)
client.put_tensor("X", X)
client.run_model("linreg", inputs=["X"], outputs=["Y"])
Y = client.get_tensor("Y")

For details about Client.run_model(), please refer to SmartRedis API.